Since having a baby is really a family affair, a lot of my maternity clients end up booking family portraits to celebrate their new arrival. This session was extra fun because it was with my Dentist Dr. Throckmorton or as I like to call her Dr. Salma Hayek. (with her voice and it’s uncanny) Vicky and Dave’s son little David was so sweet, but also a constant mover keeping us on our toes!
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I’ve been busy photographing a lot of families down in Sandbridge the past couple of weeks. I always enjoy working at the beach and getting to know each family. My Sandbridge sessions are always a mix of traditional and lifestyle photography. Here are some of my favorites. Please contact me at if you would like to schedule your family beach session.
Sarah and Kevin celebrated their marriage at the Founders Inn. It was a beautiful fall affair. I love how they embraced late October by having pumpkin name holders. One of the most exciting parts of the evening was when Sarah and Kevin rocked the reception. If your not familiar with the term, it’s based off a TLC show where the bride and groom learn an upbeat choreographed dance and surprise everyone with it during their first dance. Sarah and Kevin chose Good Vibrations by Marky Mark – it was awesome!
© Copyright Catie Cleveland
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